Donate to TASK Consulting!

If you would like to make a monetary contribution via check to TASK Consulting, please make checks payable to the Texas A&M Foundation and on the memo line of the check, please write ‘TASK Consulting‘.

Please mail all checks to:

Texas A&M Foundation
401 George Bush Drive
College Station, TX 77840
(979) 845-8161

Donations to Task Consulting can also be made online! If you would prefer to make a monetary contribution to TASK Consulting via credit card, please click the button below. Donations made through the Texas A&M Foundation website below will provide you with an income tax receipt. Please note the minimum donation amount is $25.

(Please enter our account number ‘944340’ into the “Giving Account Name or Number” field.)

*Donors who do not require an income tax receipt can click the link HERE to pay through the Texas A&M Marketplace, a secure payment portal managed by the Texas A&M Student Organization Finance Center.

Sponsor Us!

Without the generous monetary help of our supporters, much of what TASK Consulting does would not be possible.

Please see our 2023-2024 Sponsorship Packet below. For any sponsorship or donation inquiries, please email

TASK Sponsors

Thank you to our generous sponsors!